Workplace Charging; Etiquette Guide

EV workplace charging etiquette is an essential part of EV ownership and use. It is vital to ensure that the electric vehicle workplace charging infrastructure is not only safe and secure but also usable. 

The workplace charging space you charge in may be limited, so you must follow these guidelines to ensure that everyone can work together and be productive while charging.

Our team here at Eco Power Energy have been installing and supplying EV charging solutions at workplaces for several years; during this time, we have seen a range of issues crop up and try to explain what the charging etiquette is at a workplace; read out the latest blog post to find out more.

EV charging Solutions
Workplace Charging Scheme

Do You Know The Etiquette For Charging Your EV?

If your workplace has a designated EV charging station, you can be sure it will be there when needed. However, if your workplace does not have a designated EV charging station, or if all employees do not share the one available, then there are some basic etiquette rules that you should follow:

Do Not Comondere The Charger

Only one EV charger per day is allowed at the workplace. This could mean only one employee at a time can use the charging station — or it could mean that all employees need to reserve their time slots before they begin charging. Either way, it’s essential to respect these rules so that everyone can access a clean, safe place to charge their vehicles in the morning and after work hours.

 After each employee has used up all their available time slots for charging during their shift (or before starting), someone else will take their spot until someone else returns from lunch or another activity breaks up the line of people waiting.

Further EV Charing Etiquette Suggestions

If you’re using an EV charging at work, ensure you have permission from your supervisor or human resources department to charge it at work. You can’t do this without permission from the company. 

You also need to ensure that you’re charging in an area where it won’t create a fire hazard or cause an explosion if there’s a short circuit somewhere along the line. This means ensuring that there’s nothing flammable near where your vehicle is plugged in so that if there’s an accident or fire, none of the debris lands on top of your battery pack.

Don’t block others from getting charged. If your car needs to be plugged in overnight, move it so that other vehicles can get their share of juice. It’s also best not to park in reserved spots for employees or customers.

Workplace charging scheme
workplace charging services

Come Up With A Charging Plan If Needed

Don’t hog all the workplace chargers. Have an understanding with your coworkers about who will use which chargers at various times during the day, especially if you’re working remotely together or shift work is changing. Start by sharing your plans with everyone on your team before any big meetings or events, so there aren’t any surprises later on.

Do Not Rely On Workplace Chargers 

Charge your car at night at home and not during peak hours at work. You don’t want to take up valuable parking spots with your EV and make other drivers mad at you for not taking advantage of free parking or having a space reserved for your car (even if it’s just for a few hours). 

Also, consider where other people will park their cars during the day (and when they might use them again). Suppose there’s limited parking near the workplace charging station, and it’s getting full by 8 am each morning. In that case, it may make sense to charge later in the evening or on weekends instead of trying to squeeze in work during those peak times.

Think Of Other EV Drivers

Be courteous and respectful. While you may not be trying to be rude or inappropriate, you must be respectful when using EV charging stations. If someone asks you to move out of the way, do so immediately without hesitation or argument.

Leave room for others who need to use the station as well. When using a shared space like this one, leave room for others and yourself, so everyone gets a fair chance at finding an open spot to plug in their cars’ batteries before running out of juice!

Public EV Chargers

Choose Eco Power Energy For Workplace Chargers 

Workplace charging is becoming increasingly popular, as both employers and employees see the benefits of having a charging station on site. Not only does this make it easier for employees to stay powered up during the work day, but it can also lead to increased productivity and creativity. But with this comes the need for charging etiquette to be discussed; that is why our team of experts have pulled together this blog post; we hope it has helped! 

If you’re considering adding a workplace charging station to your business, contact Eco Power Energy Ltd today. We can help you choose the right equipment and set up a charging station that meets your needs and helps keep your employees happy and productive. All you need to do is give us a call today to find out more! Not only can we install your workplace charging infrastructure, but we can also provide you with full maintenance and repair services. 

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